
Hello, thanks for visiting the website of Little Egypt Tip Truck

While we are based in Perth hills where a lot of our work happens our service does take in the greater metropolitan area and to the Avon region. Our team has had a long association with the building and construction sector. We pride ourselves as being highly reliable. Both reliable in terms of doing the job in the agreed time and doing a quality job.

Our services include:

– the supply and delivery of good quality bricklayers sand, plasterers sand, concrete sand, river sand (ideal as top dressing, horse arenas and stables, filter sand and for building pads on land with a high clay content) fill sand, blue metal, metal dust, crushed lime stone, gravel road base, screened gravel stone (up to 20mm);

– for the agriculture sector bulk cartage of fertilizer, gypsum and ag-lime;

– excavation services;

– building pads compacted and done to an accurate level to the builder’s and engineers requirements. With a tidy finish at the end of the job;

– back filling and excavation.

We have good experience with jobs in the hills and surrounding areas. Horse arena’s done with up to 3 layers. Gravel for good drainage if needed, blue metal dust leveled and compacted for a firm binding base then topped with 100mm of course river sand that is kind on the legs horses when they are being worked.

Every job we undertake we accept the responsibility that comes with it. The aim of having as minimal impact as possible is of equal importance as to getting the job done. This includes consideration where one needs to dig that it’s not going to impact on neighboring property or unnecessary disturbance to footpaths. Machines and trucks can be noisy and not everybody likes them we try to make our presence be unnoticeable as much as possible where practical.

Our equipment includes but not limited to, 6 wheeler truck (13 ton), truck and pig (25 ton), truck and quad dog (39 ton) skid steer 12 ton loader low loader.

We thank you for your interest and hope to hear some inquiries from you. If not we wish that your project will be a success.

Contact us for more information or request a free quote

Contact Us

You may contact us by filling in this form any time you need professional support or have any questions. Alternatively you can give us a call on 0413 773 003 and if we're unavailable we will return your call.
Material, Quantity, Delivery Address, Comments

Little Egypt Tip Truck, Pty Ltd

Tel: 0413 773 003 (mob)

Tel: 08 9578 3038 (after hours)


ABN 62569846249

ACN 169337651